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What We Do

OTO works to ensure a bright future for the region through planning for growth, transportation, and economic development.

The Ozarks Transportation Organization is a federally required metropolitan planning organization (MPO) charged with planning and coordinating how the region invests federal, state, and local funds to ensure transportation investments will satisfy the needs of residents and employers while creating economic growth and safety.

Our role is to bring area stakeholders to the table to discuss standards, priorities, and processes.


Where do we see a need?

Where will future needs arise?

How do we get there?


Limited Funds = Choices

What do we do first?

What criteria do we use to make those decisions?


Leaders from 7 Cities and 2 Counties sit at our table as well as other stakeholders to discuss and come to agreement on our transportation plan

See how the Ozarks Transportation Organization is working to improve your area.

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transportation improvement program

What We're Working On

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long range transportation plan

What We're Planning

Our Programs

We work on creating plans to help you get around.

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