MPDG Highway MM Corridor of Opportunity
The USDOT has accepted applications for Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Rural funding.
The City of Republic in cooperation with MoDOT, Greene County, and the Ozarks Transportation Organization has applied for MPDG funding for the Highway MM: Corridor of Opportunity project. The City of Republic has requested funding in the amount of $25 million out or a total project cost of $29,585,992. The project begins at Highway MM/Interstate 44 through Highway MM/Haile Street.
Project summary:
The proposed project will provide for safe community connectivity by turning a two-lane arterial into a divided four-lane with raised median facility. Also included in the grant application is the widening of the bridge over MO 360 to accommodate four-lanes and pedestrian accommodations. Pedestrian improvements proposed include ADA sidewalks along Highway MM and a pedestrian crossing/signal at Haile Street.
The MPDG application can be found in links here:
2022 MoDOT State Freight and Rail Plan
2022 MoDOT State Freight and Rail Plan
Highway MM Location Study
Greene County Route MM/ZZ Corridor Study