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Complete Streets Toolbox

What is a Complete Street?

A Complete Street is designed with every user in mind, whether a pedestrian, bicyclist, motorist, or user of public transportation, of any age. A Complete Street ensures the entire right-of-way enables safe access for all users. No two Complete Streets will look the same. The inclusion and placement elements such as crosswalks, bike lanes, bus lanes, sidewalks, medians, or curb extensions depends upon the surrounding land use and users' needs. Smart Growth America has an extensive library of materials relating to the implementation of Complete Streets.

Complete Streets in the Ozarks

The OTO Design Standards included in Destination 2045 recommend pedestrian and bicycle accommodations on a number of roadway classifications. Guidelines for those accommodations are included in the Design Standards. The Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation tracks Missouri communities and regional/metropolitan planning agencies who have adopted Complete Streets policies. This is a great resource for local jurisdictions looking for a sample policy that reflects a unique set of needs.

Create your own Complete Street Roadway Profile

Streetmix is a new website where you can customize your own street designs. OTO members can use this site to communicate their own design standards or invite members of the public to help through participatory street design. Each design element can be customized for types and widths. Case Studies...

StreetPlan is another free website where you can create a drag and drop complete street.

Explore the latest publications from Ozarks Transportation Organization.

2012 2018 Units Added



IMG 0998


Agendas & Minutes

Asset 31


Long Range Transportation Plan

RBPTIS Cover Clip


Plans, Reports, and Studies




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